Kung Fu Lessons Everywhere
The Vade Mecum Martial Arts Academy is an e-learning platform that provides systematized Kung Fu lessons for home and on the go.
The courses and topics are clearly structured so that the instructional videos can be followed at any time.

The courses are structured so that each participant can decide for themselves how far they want to go. We want to bring Siu Lam Wing Chun closer, without much talk and with maximum transparency.
Due to the structured offer of tutorials, it is possible to learn a lot autodidactically.
At some point there comes a point where training partners/teachers are essential and the principle of hand-to-hand learning is indispensable. Through the Vade Mecum platform, you can find the right teacher and, after consultation, the right location.
We have been enthusiastically running a school of Siu Lam Wing Chun Kung Fu for many years.
We, that’s Peter Scholz, Bettina Pela-Scholz and Max Kraft. We stand for transparency and fairness and for a Kung Fu that does not send anyone in search of the Holy Grail. Questions are clarified in their entirety. For this we were awarded in 2020 as the best martial arts school in Berlin.
In more than 20 years Peter Scholz has acquired a profound and extensive knowledge and skills in martial arts, which he could pass on to his master student Max Kraft. This laid the foundation for the Vade Mecum Martial Arts Academy. Thus, both can fulfil their promise to pass on the martial art free of secrets and without mystification.
A personal login area grants individual access to the Vade Mecum platform.
By uploading their own training videos, subscribers will be able to have their individual training progress evaluated by one of our Siu Lam Wing Chun instructors.
Each subscriber has the possibility to create his own training pace without time restrictions.
Our tutorials are filmed factually and purposefully from usually three different perspectives and do without any distractions. The individual course contents are peppered with lots of detailed information and exercises. There are no secrets or hidden costs.
Recorded in 4K quality from three different angles, retrievable with loop and slow-motion function. For Wing Chun Kyun alone, there is a total of over six hours of video footage in high studio quality.
The wooden dummy (muk jan zong), modeled after a human being, is an elementary and perfect training device at Siu Lam Wing Chun. Dummy training not only promotes impact and foot work, but also sensitivity, alignment and infight skills. This course especially teaches the Siu Lam Wing Chun Dummy with its special workmanship of the Tang Family from Siu Tong (Guangdong) and Hongkong, such as Tang Syun and Tang Yik.
The course contains:
- The form, explained step by step
- Practice of the flow
- Practice of drills
The Siu Lam Wing Chun Kyun hand form from the Tang Family curriculum.
This course contains:
- The form, explained step by step
- San Sik exercises for the development of power and speed
- Exercises with a tool to understand how the form works
- Exercises with a partner to maintain and increase the applicability
- Sensitivity drills to apply exercises at the right time
- Tips for sparring for a better practice
The workouts are an essential part of staying healthy and fit and minimizing the risk of injury.
The “Normal Fit” workout is made up of three different tutorials to follow along. In real time, Max brings participants a little closer to their goal with alternating static and dynamic, isometric and plyometric exercises. “Advanced Fit” and the third part “Kung Fu Fit” will soon be available on the Vade Mecum Platform.
and much more…
Online courses with instructor support-
Kung Fu Fit workouts
Siu Lam Wing Chun courses
Additional instructional materials
Time unlimited access
Cancellable monthly
1. Physical contact with a certified Vade Mecum Martial Arts instructor
2. Create an account on the platform (“Subscription", € 10/month)
3. The instructor gives you access to all the courses and content you need
Courses on demand
Online Courses-
Kung Fu Fit workouts
Siu Lam Wing Chun courses
Self-managed access to courses and learning materials
Personal feedback in all Siu Lam Wing Chun courses
Unlimited lifetime access
1. Start without instructor
2. Create an account on the platform (“Purchase of individual content”, access to the platform is free of charge)
3. Choose and pay for the course
4. Unlock the contents independently
5. Personal feedback by a certified Vade Mecum Martial Arts instructor
Courses on demand
- Create free account
- Purchase individal content
- Lifetime access!
Siu Lam Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form

Course Contents
- Step by Step explanation
- Practice of the flow
- Practice of drills
- Learners will be tested for
- Correct execution of hand technique
- Footwork
- Structure
- Energy transfer
Wing Chun Kyun Hand Form
Each Set 36€

Course Contents
- The Form, explained step by step
- San Sik Exercises for developing power and speed
- Exercise with a tool to understand how the form works
- Exercises with a partner to sublime and increase the applicability
- Sensitivity drills to use motions at the right time
- Tips for sparring for a better practice
- Everything in 4k Quality
- Course Language: English
Kung Fu Fit

Course Contents
- Three workouts at one hour
- Everything in 4K Quality
- Access to our basic workouts for the beginner in three levels
- The workouts include basic stances and basic structure
- The workouts are split into stability, dynamics and plyometrics
- Based on Southern Chinese Kung Fu according to a current scientific and physiotherapist view
- Course Language: English